The artist does not merely present us with blow up versions of hexagonal decatrons and mutated cubes, but a real interpretation of space and a studied presentation of the effects of light and shadow on the work itself. Mysterious objects which seem to fail to correlate, raise enigmatic questions to the spectator who wants to grasp the meaning of the real life paralellepiped but has to complete investigating by following the clues brought by the triangle covered in metal rings.
True 'connoisseurs' (I still don't understand why you anglophones feel the need to incorporate misspelled french loan words into the sophisticated language) would soon realize that geometry itself is self-fufilling and needs no explanation.
"Nothing shows itself at once. To focus on the various layers, that we see unconsciously, is so exciting." (DH)
Daniel Robert Hunziker, currently exhibiting at the Von Bartha Garage in Switzerland. Amazing must see Gallery! Make sure to check out their gas station conversion into a new exhibition space!
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