Tuesday, 28 September 2010
One, two, three, punk Pettibon.
Often interlarded with social issues such as gang formation and segregation, his work is a true visual as well as a mental treat.
The Roski University of the Arts in Los Angeles, CA, is holding an exhibition on an intriguing collaboration between Pettibon himself and Brian Kennon. Upon Kennon's production of an oeuvre based on 1960s and 1970s Playboy "editorial nudity" and the German electronic band Tangerine Dream, Pettibon took the opportunity to dig deeper into the artist's work and create a photographic exposé on the two subjects brought together. Poorly dressed Barbie dolls, 70's porn and German New Age: definitely worth checking out.
Friday, 17 September 2010
It is, never to be left unguarded.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Aw, for the love of triangle!
Monday, 13 September 2010
Towers of Light
When faced with the contrast between life and death, joy and depression, warmth and cold, one is bound to think of 'light' and 'darkness'.
The 9/11 incident was a moment of incomprehensible darkness, an image of the fragility of life, a grotesque display of a game of political monopoly and wake up call to look outside the box of Western civilization. Pain and loss are dark, and somewhere out there, people still live in the black tar pits of their shadow players.
The installation put up by Paul Myoda and Julian LaVerdiere is not only a light to memorize the ache of losing a family member, a friend, or a fellow human, it is the reminder that we have the duty to shine light in the darkness, even where for some reason, it has been prevented to do so.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Friday, 3 September 2010
Etienne sans titre.
Sies + Höke,
"L'Electricité, Exclusion de la Tautologie n°2"
A lamp lights up its own socket.
From a series of tautologies that either exclude themselves from the realm of tautologies or are, as tautologies, excluded from the world.
"The Cut, Part I and Part II"
A glass cube holds a cut tulip upside-down left to fade during the course of the exhibition.
A new tulip replaces the previous one each time the work is exhibited.
A one time performed public lecture ends up with the artist putting his notes in his
suit-jacket's pocket and hanging it on a hook in the exhibition space.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
The sunshine covered my morning with golden axes.