A 1943 bunker in Berlin, redesigned to a five story, 3,000 sq m exhibition space, has recently (June 2008) become the playground for the private art collection of a self-made communications agency entrepreneur, Christian Boros. This unusual gallery space is only open for views by appointment and holds artists ranging from Hirst to Anselm Reyle, Wilhelm Sasnal and newcomer Thomas Olbricht who is exhibiting "Passion Fruits" until the 3d of May 2010.
If you thought art collectors were unpredictable space aliens probing for interesting new talent, this quote by Boros himself certainly comes close to galactic non conventionality. Poet.
Christian Boros: I collect art that irritates me. This is not meant as a kind of rejection. It is rather the wish I have, that a work of art changes the limits of my thinking so my perception shifts. This is the only way I can develop myself.